Cobb County was established in the year 1832 and it was named after Thomas W. Cobb. It has the area of 344.51 sq mi. More than 0.68 million people with marvelous mix of races including White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others along with 0.24 million households and 0.16 million family units reside in this region. Marietta is the county seat and the largest city.
The excellent search index of Cobb County is well furnished with huge collection of database and necessary clues including marital status and divorce decree, death and obituary reports, census data, immigration and naturalization minutes, ancestral Social Security Numbers, military service and employment details, land assessment records, last will, probates and liens figures, civil court proceedings, birth and origin history and many others that undoubtedly help the records seekers and data hunters to conduct their research. Hence, begin your research and get innumerable clues and specifics essential for the genealogical study.