Possessing a territory of 268.86 sq mi and having an aggregate populace of over 40.1K with the traditional culture of White, Native American, Black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others along with more than 13.9K lodging units and 10.1K families, Tift County was built in 1905 with Tifton as the county seat and the largest municipality. It was named in the honor of Nelson Tift.
Tracing familial history and securing genealogical roots has now turned into a smooth and less prolonged subject for the record seekers and chronicled wayfarers to obtain information on burial and cemetery details, demise facts, land and estate data, obituary notice, marriage and divorce details, origin and birth details, census data, American Civil War history, immigration and naturalization specifics, probate specifics, civil court case lookups, real estate and property facts, war and enlistment data, last will, World War I and II information and lots more.